Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Spoonfest, Scotland and more!

It's been a while since I last posted, so here are pictures from my holidays up in the Peak District and around Scotland.

We spent a long weekend in Edale where the first international Spoonfest was held. Over a 150 turned up to attend workshops by an international cast of instructors from as far afield as the US. There was also ample wood of supply for people to just sit around and carve spoons with like-minded folk. It was a wonderful event and the three days went by far too quickly. 

Spoonfest in Edale
A selection of spoons on show in the Town hall
Barn 'the spoon' running one of the many workshops that went on during the weekend.
The next stop on our journey was Edinburgh, where we caught the tail end of the Fringe festival. We spent a full day wandering around the city and saw live music, stand-up, street performers all within the wonderful setting of Edinburgh.
Edinburgh, after we'd eventually found somewhere to park. Pretty much our only time in Scotland without rain

An old church that was now hosting free burlesque during the Fringe

Juggling flaming torches whilst riding a giant unicycle in just your underwear? Fair enough.

Outside the mad slalom of people handing out flyers

Taking Shark Week a little too seriously.

Two very creepy toys from the Edinburgh childhood museum

From Edinburgh we entered the Highlands and after driving through some very dramatic scenery, within which a lone doe bolted across the road in front of us, far enough ahead that it was a wonderful sight rather than almost having it come through the windshield, which would have altered the experience slightly.
At our campsite, in an extremely picturesque spot, we were initially plagued by midges. This was the time to test the 'Nordic Summer' insect repellent I'd purchased. Whilst road tripping in the US we used DEET, but having seen first hand that it melts plastic I wanted to try something a little less toxic. The little tin of repellent I had was made up from mainly birch tar and left you smelling like a campfire. Most importantly however, it drove away the midges incredibly well. By the end of our trip I came to quite like the smell of the stuff. Plus we hardly made a dent in the small tin of the stuff we had, so plenty left for future adventures.
Our awesome campsite in Fort William.

On approach to Ben Nevirist

When we were halfway up we were neither up nor down.

Rain, the defining feature of our time in the Highland.
We hiked partly up Ben Nevis. We never had plans to make the summit, but went only as far as we wanted. We got thoroughly soaked, but some hot chocolate on the way back perked us up.
Our roadside tea stop by Loch Ness. Wrong time of year to spot Nessie though.

In the Cairngorms we arrived in good weather, with some amazing views of the surrounding hills. We got a little excited about the sights we'd see on our walks the next day. Unfortunately the weather closed in and we were stuck with heavy rain and about 200m (650 ft) visibility. Rather than tromp around in the wet we decided to go on a distillery tour. We went round the Glen Ord distillery. It was interesting to see how whiskey was made and comforting to see an industrial process that isn't computer controlled and can't be rushed.
At the Glen Ord distillery

Malt barley. Along with water, yeast is all that goes into making whiskey. Plus a lot of time.

Mandatory shot of me jumping.